Be the force that helps build a global community of ChEnections. Get involved with AIChE’s Member-Get-A-Member program, win prizes and encourage others to belong to something bigger.
Follow the instructions below to participate as a Community Champion. If you're interested in participating as an individual, click here.
Who can participate?
All AIChE Entities (Committees, Local Sections, Divisions, Forums, Industry Technology Groups and Student Chapters) are welcome and encouraged to participate as Community Champions. Community Champions will be eligible for rewards each time they recruit a member who is verified to be joining AIChE as a new member.
What do you do?
Be sure to tell your newly joining members to include the following on their membership application:
- The code COMMUNITY*
- Your ENTITY name along with first and last name in the field of "Who referred you to join?"
How do you benefit?
The joining new member will receive one entry into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card that will be held during the quarter of the join, as well as a grand prize drawing at the end of the year for a $300 Amazon Gift Card.
Community Champions will also receive $20 for each new joining professional member; this will be allocated into the designated entity’s annual budget as revenue.
If you are participating both as an individual Champion and a Community Champion, you will be entered into the gift card drawings. The $20 gift card or allocation will be applied based on the code provided by the new member; if Friend is used the gift card or allocation will go the individual Champion; if Community is used the allocation will go to the Entity.
*New members that provide a join promo code other than "FRIEND" or "COMMUNITY" will not be eligible for entry into the drawing. Individual and Community Champions will not receive a $20 gift card or allocation if the new member elects to use a different promo code when joining or if the new member indicates that they were referred by a different entity or individual champion.
Looking for some ideas on how to recruit?
If you have any questions about being an AIChE Member Champion, contact the AIChE Membership Team.
Member-Get-A-Member drawing rewards are sent to winners quarterly. Monetary rewards fulfillment for champions will occur in February (for new member joins the last six months of the prior fiscal year), and August (for new member joins the first six month of the current fiscal year).