(60df) Influence of Particles on Amine Losses during CO2 Capture: A Process Simulation Coupled Aerosol Dynamics Model _ | AIChE

(60df) Influence of Particles on Amine Losses during CO2 Capture: A Process Simulation Coupled Aerosol Dynamics Model _


Dhanraj, D. - Presenter, Washington University
Influence of Particles on Amine Losses during CO2 Capture: A Process Simulation Coupled Aerosol Dynamics Model

David Dhanraj and Pratim Biswas

Aerosol and Air Quality Research Laboratory

Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, MO 63130, USA

Efforts to reduce the concentration of atmospheric CO2 have been initiated due to escalating concerns of global warming and climate change. Amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture offers an economically viable retrofit for power-plants in combating these emissions. However, solvent losses have been a major challenge to commercializing this technology. Recent experiments1 show that vapor-based and aerosol-based solvent losses are the key mechanisms of amine solvent loss during CO2 capture. While vapor-based amine losses can be abated by employing techniques like water-washing, there has been little work to curtail aerosol-based solvent losses. This is primarily because the underlying mechanisms governing these losses are still not well understood. Although there are a few numerical models proposed for this system, there are no models that consider aerosol phenomena such as coagulation or particle loss. Moreover, these models have not been fully validated through experiments.

Furthermore, there are a few techniques that are being developed to tackle solvent losses. It is known that reducing particle number concentration in the flue gas will reduce amine emissions. Conventional Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) are however inefficient in capturing particles in the size range 0.1 – 1.0 μm. Amongst different approaches demonstrated, introducing a pre-charging stage and a photo-ionization stage has shown potential in increasing the charging efficiency.

Therefore, the broad objectives of this work are primarily focused on two facets of the amine loss problem. The first is the development of a model that integrates aerosol phenomena with a process engineering model that accounts for the reactive mass transfer process in a packed-bed absorber. The second is the design, fabrication and testing of a bench-scale Photoionization Enhanced Two-staged Electrostatic Precipitator (PI-ESP) at Abbott Power Plant. In essence, with the PI-ESP aimed at reducing the particulate concentration in the flue gas, and the model relating the influence of particulate concentration in the flue gas to amine emissions, this work aims to illuminate the underlying mechanisms governing amine emissions, and demonstrate a solution to tackle the problem.


  1. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 85, pp. 86-99, 2019.
  2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 19, pp. 138-144, 2013.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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