Towards the synthesis of modular process intensification systems with safety and operability considerations - application to heat exchanger network | AIChE

Towards the synthesis of modular process intensification systems with safety and operability considerations - application to heat exchanger network

TitleTowards the synthesis of modular process intensification systems with safety and operability considerations - application to heat exchanger network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTian, Y, M. Mannan, S, Kravanja, Z, Pistikopoulos, EN
Secondary AuthorsFriedl, A, Klemeš, JJ, Radl, S, Varbanov, PS, Wallek, T
Journal28 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Date Publishedjan
Keywordsflexibility analysis, heat exchanger network, Modeling and Simulation, multi-parametric Model Predictive Control, Process intensification, Project 9.3, quantitative risk assessment

In this work, we present a systematic framework for the synthesis of safely operable process intensification systems. Herein, intensified designs are automatically generated by using phenomena-based Generalized Modular Representation Framework, while their safety and operability performances are guaranteed by incorporating: (i) flexibility analysis and multiperiod design, (ii) inherent safety analysis utilizing quantitative risk assessment, and (iii) multi-parametric model predictive control strategies developed via the PAROC framework. As an example from a broader set of intensified systems, the proposed framework is applied to heat exchanger network synthesis for thermal intensification, demonstrating its capability on enhancing safety and operability at early design stage.
