A Miniaturized Robot May Speed Up Microassembly | AIChE

A Miniaturized Robot May Speed Up Microassembly


A new microrobot called the Millimeter Gripper Robot, MiGriBot for short, can perform pick-and-place operations ten times faster than existing systems. The MiGriBot is also one-tenth of the size of the majority of robots in its class.

The technology could help improve production-line efficiency at the microscale, such as the manufacturing of smartphones, mechanical watches, and semiconductors.

“Things are getting smaller and smaller,” says study co-author Maxence Leveziel, a microrobotics researcher at the FEMTO-ST Institute in France. “So, we need something that will be able to manipulate those very small objects with precision.”

The MiGriBot is a miniaturized parallel robot, meaning it is composed of a series of identical legs that support a moving platform, or the end effector.

In microrobotics, this type of architecture allows remarkably high-speed movement for contact-based tasks, such as pushing or sliding. However, most miniaturized parallel...

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