Researchers Discover Flaw in Biological Cybersecurity Systems | AIChE

Researchers Discover Flaw in Biological Cybersecurity Systems


Researchers at Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev (BGU) in Israel have uncovered a novel pathway that can be exploited by cyber-biological terrorists to trick scientists into creating dangerous toxins or viruses in their labs.

“A cyber-biological attack is when something in the digital world maliciously manipulates biological experiments or interferes with the design of a biological system,” says Rami Puzis, a scientist at BGU. “As the automation of biological experiments increases, the threat likewise increases.”

Each year, companies specializing in DNA synthesis sell billions of nucleotides to customers around the world, contributing to a rapidly growing synthetic biology market. The industry is worth millions of dollars, but it is also vulnerable to cyber-attacks, according to BGU scientists...

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