Revving Up the Hydrogen Economy | AIChE

Revving Up the Hydrogen Economy


Standard Hydrogen Co., a clean energy group based in Florida, has developed a way to produce hydrogen fuel that can be sold at a retail price of $5/kg, a cost that is on the order of gasoline prices and could transform the modern energy landscape.

In California, the center of the U.S. hydrogen economy, the average selling price of hydrogen is about $16/kg, or approximately $100 to fill the tank of a hydrogen vehicle. Reducing the cost of hydrogen to a price point that is closer to that of gasoline could encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices.

“Hydrogen is a hot topic because it’s such a clean fuel,” says Alan Mintzer, the CEO of Standard Hydrogen. “The high cost of hydrogen is well-known, but the fuel burns extremely clean, emitting only water vapor.” For that reason, Mintzer says that hydrogen fuel is a sustainable energy option for vehicles, power plants, and homes...

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