Novel Microscale 3D Printing Recreates Michelangelo’s David | AIChE

Novel Microscale 3D Printing Recreates Michelangelo’s David


Engineers at Exaddon, a technology company based in Switzerland, are 3D printing metal structures at the nanometer and micrometer scale. Their crowning achievement? A 1-mm-high replica of Michelangelo’s David made of pure copper.

“We wanted to show that we could 3D print even the most random object,” says Tomaso Zambelli, an engineer at Exaddon. “And we wanted to make something everyone would recognize.”

The key to achieving such a small structure is Exaddon’s unique process. The system consists of a standard three-electrode electrochemical cell, a device that 3D prints metal via electroplating. Electroplating uses electricity to deposit metal onto a surface in a series of layers...

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