2022 AIChE Board Election for the 2023 Board| AIChE

2022 Election for the 2023 Board of Directors

Board of Directors voting dates and deadlines:

In April, AIChE’s Nominating Committee announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, and directors for the Institute’s 2022 election. 

The president-elect will be elected to a three-year term, serving one year each as president-elect, president, and past president. The directors are elected for three-year terms.

Voting by paper and electronic proxy ballot will begin on September 12 and end on October 18. The election results will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting.

2022 Election Timeline

  • May 24 – Petition Candidate Due
  • August 29 – Ballot Mail Date
  • September 12 – Election Commences
  • October 18 – Ballot Receipt Deadline
  • November 14 – Election Results Announced at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ

2022 Election Slate for the 2023 Board of Directors


For President Elect

John Cirucci

John Cirucci is the Chief Engineer of the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions and a Research Professor in the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State Univ. Before joining Arizona State, he had a long industry career in various engineering and R&D leadership roles at Air Products and in private practice. He holds a BS and MS in chemical engineering from Penn State and Lehigh Univ., respectively, but has learned much more from working beside many extraordinary people.

John is an AIChE Fellow. He has served AIChE as a Board Director (2012–2014), a Trustee of the AIChE Foundation (2011–2021), and a member of the Fellows Council. He chaired AIChE entities including the Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC), the Foundation Grants Committee, the Center for Sustainable Technology Practices, the Global Societal Initiatives Committee, and the Public Affairs and Information Committee’s (PAIC) Climate Solutions Working Group. He has also dedicated many years to humanitarian engineering projects in Africa and Central America as a leader in Engineers Without Borders.


My vision is of AIChE as an agent of change — making the world cleaner, healthier, and more productive, equitably and for all, while promoting broad recognition of the essential role of chemical engineers to accomplish those goals.

If elected AIChE President, my priorities will be to:

  • Promote and broaden AIChE’s impact to provide technological resources and sound scientific information to members, policy influencers, educators, and students of all ages. It is an AIChE constitutional objective to serve society in areas where chemical engineering can contribute to the public interest. This objective has never been more important.
  • Promulgate AIChE’s leadership in diversity and inclusion, process safety, technological innovation, and environmental stewardship to influence change among other organizations and institutions.
  • Engage with and support our entire community. This includes a diversity of chemical engineers in new, evolving disciplines and a growing geographical reach, as well as members and prospective members working in established, traditional roles, especially those impacted by our changing global economy.
  • Establish an inviting place for a global majority of chemical engineers who are not yet members of AIChE.

I welcome your ideas and would like to understand your concerns. Please feel free to contact me at: John.Cirucci+Pres.Elect@gmail.com.

Alan Nelson

Alan E. Nelson is the Senior Vice President of Battery Materials at Redwood Materials, and previously was the Chief Technology Officer for Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC), Chief Technology Officer and CEO of New Business Development for Johnson Matthey, Global R&D Director for The Dow Chemical Co., and Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Univ. of Alberta. Alan has led the development and commercialization of environmentally sustainable technologies, including lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, carbon capture and utilization, and hydrogen production. He served on AIChE’s Board of Directors (2015–2017), as well as the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Continuing Education Committee, Awards Committee, Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC), and Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Div. He also chaired the President’s Blue Ribbon Committee on e-Learning (2009–2012) and led the creation and launch of AIChE’s e-Learning program. Alan is a Professional Engineer in Alberta, Canada, a Chartered Engineer in the U.K., a Fellow of AIChE, and a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). He received a BS from Univ. of Minnesota Duluth and PhD from Michigan Technological Univ., both in chemical engineering.


AIChE members impact lives across the world through engineering leadership in the production of sustainable energy and materials, environmental beneficiation, development of advanced biomedical technologies, and beyond. While the opportunities are great, the demands for engineering are continually changing and AIChE must continually evolve to meet the needs of members, industry, and society. As your President, I will continue to build upon the foundation of past presidents, directors, and volunteers to increase the global presence of AIChE and provide greater services to our members. My priorities will be:

  • Strengthen and expand the presence of our Institute worldwide, leveraging our engineering expertise to solve global energy, food and water, and sustainability challenges.
  • Build our education and innovation programs to provide relevant and topical lifelong learning training opportunities — to prepare all of us to meet future engineering challenges and needs.
  • Create enabling partnerships across academia, industry, and government to establish vital connections among students, educators, innovators, practitioners, and policymakers.

The chemical industry is at a pivotal point in our history, and we need to adapt to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Working together, we can meet the needs of society through engineering leadership as “One AIChE.” I am a proud member, volunteer, and Fellow of AIChE, and I would be honored to continue to serve the Institute as your president. I would appreciate your vote and look forward to your ideas to further strengthen AIChE. Please contact me at: aenelson.aiche@gmail.com.

For Director

Norma Alcantar

Dr. Norma A. Alcantar is Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the Dept. of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering at the Univ. of South Florida. She is a global pioneer in developing innovative, natural technologies for environmental, medical, and industrial applications, including improving access to clean drinking water, oil spill cleanup, and cancer tumor cell treatments. She was inducted into the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame, and is a Fellow of AIChE, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Academy of Inventors. She currently holds 23 patents. As an American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow, she chairs the Committee for Underrepresented Minorities and is a Biomedical Engineering Society (BME) Organizations Leading Diversity (BOLD) committee member. Alcantar received a Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Fellowship and an Excellence in Innovation Award, and in 2017 she accepted a Jewish National Fund’s Faculty Fellowship to visit Israel as a U.S. academic representative. From 2005 to 2019, she was a departmental mentor and director for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority Scholars Program to advance the careers of students underrepresented in STEM fields. She earned her PhD in chemical engineering from the Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, and her BS from the National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico.


Chemical engineering is a discipline that leads all fronts of science and technology. Some of today’s most impactful research, including projects in sustainability, water treatment, food protection, climate change, alternative fuels, synthetic biology, battery development, resource optimization, and design for green engineering, were created or developed by chemical engineers. Not only do we work at the frontiers of entrepreneurship and innovation, we’re also instrumental in shaping the technology of tomorrow. As a member of AIChE’s Board of Directors, I pledge to:

  • Be an advocate for how chemical engineers are needed more than ever to compete with national and global challenges. I firmly believe we need to tell our story and describe the importance of chemical engineering for the progression of science and technology in the next five to 50 years.
  • Promote our profession and highlight involvement in progress locally, nationally, and internationally, especially in environments where both foreign and domestic graduate and undergraduate students are pulled into other disciplines. I will work to diversify and, more than ever, show our strengths to solve the problems and challenges we encounter in our communities, industries, start-ups, universities, and societies.
  • Advocate for eradicating inequality and guide policy for increasing the participation of underrepresented group members in our decision-making. The strength of AIChE is its diversity.

Stephen Beaudoin

Stephen P. (Steve) Beaudoin is Professor in Purdue’s Davidson School of Chemical Engineering. He is Founding Director of the Purdue Energetics Research Center (PERC), where he coordinates ~$80M in research, and Founding Academic Director of the dual (Purdue and Cranfield universities) MS in defense engineering and technology, which serves the Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center. Beaudoin is the 2021–2022 Chair of the Purdue Univ. Senate, and has served Purdue as Interim Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs. He has chaired multiple sessions at AIChE’s regional and Annual meetings and has been a mentor at the AIChE Young Faculty Workshop. He has published more than 100 refereed articles and made ~200 technical presentations. He has also received the NSF Early Career Faculty Research award as well as numerous teaching and mentoring awards. He earned his BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1988), his MS from the Univ. of Texas at Austin (1990), and his PhD from North Carolina State Univ. (1995), all in chemical engineering.


I would encourage the Institute to consider the following to enhance its value proposition. First, we could form new industrial/academic partnerships via the existing Institute for Learning and Innovation (ILI) construct to review emerging industrial needs within the context of the classical chemical engineering curriculum. We could identify aspects of the curriculum that could be modified to address the needs without sacrificing valuable outcomes. Next, we could use the tools academia developed to deliver remote instruction during the pandemic to create, with the AIChE Academy, more asynchronous, remote educational content leading to short course or university credits (including certificates) in target topic areas. The certificates could be stackable to form advanced degrees, such as coursework MS degrees, to help our stakeholders pursue their lifelong learning needs. As a follow-on to AIChE’s K-12 effort, we could include compelling educational content and industrial examples for junior and senior high schools. This would inspire students to obtain the right backgrounds to succeed in BS chemical engineering programs, which is especially important for schools in diverse communities where there may be few existing role models. Finally, we could harness social media and the popular press to create engaging educational content that informs society on key topics of interest in our community.

If elected to the Board of Directors, I will help AIChE to remain the leading international voice in the chemical and related engineering professions by promoting new partnerships and activities such as these that help us to be responsive to the needs of our stakeholders and society.

Lola Eniola-Adefeso

Omolola (Lola) Eniola-Adefeso is the Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Education in Engineering and the University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Univ. of Michigan. She received her BS in chemical engineering from the Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a PhD from the Univ. of Pennsylvania. She is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Eniola-Adefeso’s research in the design and evaluation of particulate carriers has contributed significantly to advancing the field of vascular-targeted drug delivery. Recent discoveries from her lab led to three U.S. patent filings, one of which is licensed to Asalyxa Bio, Inc., with Dr. Eniola-Adefeso as the Chief Strategy Officer. She serves as Deputy Editor for Science Advances, is on the board of directors for BMES, and is a member of the external advisory board for biomedical engineering at the Univ. of Florida and Boston Univ. Her research is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, and the National Science Foundation. Recent notable awards include the AIChE Minority Affairs Committee’s (MAC) Grimes Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering and a BMES MIDCAREER award.


I am honored to stand for election as a Director of AIChE, and to represent our discipline and colleagues in this critical capacity. I am eager to work with the AIChE leadership — the President and other members of the Board of Directors — in formulating educational, outreach, and advocacy agendas and policies for the chemical engineering community. I have been active in leadership and governance at various levels within the AIChE community, with a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in leading MAC’s Minority Faculty Forum.

If elected:

  • I will commit to supporting policies that position AIChE as the preeminent organization for chemical engineers, positioning the chemical engineering community to lead the world in tackling critical societal issues through innovative research and technology. We must reestablish chemical engineering’s dominance in environmental research and system engineering to achieve this goal.
  • I will build on existing work to expand the international reach of AIChE and work to promote the inclusion of AIChE members of all backgrounds.
  • Overall, I will ensure that we uphold the academic and professional qualities and high standards that keep us faithful to the core AIChE mission — “to promote excellence in chemical engineering education and global practice.”

I welcome your comments and feedback at lolaa@umich.edu and look forward to the opportunity to serve you on the AIChE Board.

Richard Grenville

Richard K. Grenville is Principal Engineer for the SPX FLOW Mixing Solutions portfolio, and for nine years was Director of Mixing Technology at Philadelphia Mixing Solutions Ltd. He has nearly 40 years’ experience in the field of mixing, including 22 years as a Consultant at DuPont Engineering. He is an adjunct professor at the Univ. of Delaware and Rowan Univ., where he co-teaches senior elective courses on mixing. He has also given seminars on mixing at AIChE local sections and student chapters and regularly participates in the AIChE Annual Student Conference. Richard is a Fellow of both AIChE and IChemE, and a past president of AIChE’s North American Mixing Forum. He received his BS in chemical engineering from the Univ. of Nottingham and his PhD from Cranfield Univ. He chaired the MIXING XXIV Conference in 2014 and the AIChE Process Development Symposium in 2020.


First, I am honored to be nominated for AIChE’s Board of Directors. My expertise is in the field of mixing, with a broad range of experiences working for vendors and users in a variety of industries. Since 1994, I have been an adjunct professor co-leading the design and instruction of a course on mixing intended to make industry-based problems and problem-solving more widely accessible in undergraduate chemical engineering training. Among AIChE’s strategic objectives, my primary interests are in the development of content in the academic curriculum and for professional development. These are being addressed by the Institute for Learning and Innovation, matching the skills of graduating chemical engineering students with the needs of industry, and by providing career development training for working engineers. Therefore, the goals I want to implement are:

  • To show undergraduate students how the skills they are learning will be applied in industry, as well as the problems that they are likely to encounter, focusing on engineering practice, by soliciting experienced working and retired engineers to share their knowledge through seminars and webinars.
  • To encourage professors to use the same resources in classes — inviting an industrialist to teach one lesson during a course, for example, teaching mixing as a special topic during the reaction engineering course.
  • To extend this goal to the Annual Student Conference and student regional conferences.
  • To reach out to high school students, giving them opportunities to understand the relevancy of mathematics as a tool used by engineers for design, and to solve problems.

I welcome your questions and feedback. Please feel free to contact me at richard.grenville@spxflow.com.

Hugh James

Hugh James is the Chief Executive Officer at Project Commercialization Group (PCG), Inc. Chemical engineering is challenging, changing, and exciting. Hugh’s long career has taken full advantage of this fact. He has worked in industries including engineering and construction, gas, fertilizers, chemicals, power, pipelines, mining, and venture capital — with experiences ranging from small to Fortune 100 organizations. His work has involved living in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Accomplishments include Korea’s LNG import plan; starting an energy development company; structuring Australia’s first coal seam methane (CSM) project; and running a Canadian mining investment. His last overseas assignment, in Saudi Arabia, ended in 2011. He now focuses on challenging startups. Hugh has participated in AIChE panels on entrepreneurship and early-stage investing. He has held corporate and advisory board positions in foreign and U.S. organizations, including an LNG development company board and an advisory board commercializing a technology developed at Princeton University. He earned his chemical engineering BS and ME degrees at Texas A&M Univ., and a doctoral-level engineer’s degree from MIT. He also participates in AIChE’s Central Florida and Virtual local sections.


AIChE’s scope has expanded with activities like the Society for Biological Engineering and RAPID Manufacturing Institute. These, combined with efforts promoting inclusivity and educational programs for members, further broaden the scope. More importantly, efforts to attract young people have dramatically changed the membership’s composition to better reflect society. All this has positioned AIChE to be a leader in Industrial Revolution 4.0 merged with Internet 5.0 to combine virtual and physical technologies for solving water, food, sustainability, medicine, and climate challenges.

The Board’s job is to incorporate the needs and aspirations of AIChE stakeholders. Board members will need to listen and work conscientiously. I pledge to do both. The email address hrobertjames@gmail.com is set up for your communication with me as a candidate and subsequent Board member. Use it to send me your thoughts and questions.

AIChE’s growth in a changing industrial landscape creates opportunities with challenges. Some have mentioned the following: (1) Facilitating the nexus between industry and universities on needs of strategic importance; (2) Increasing the involvement of startup companies and their employees in AIChE local and global programs; (3) Aiding member entrepreneurship through programs like Corp-Up.

I have served on boards both inside and outside the United States, have worked for foreign and American companies, and have had men and women supervisors of different cultures. I feel honored that the nominating committee has chosen me as a candidate and promise vigorous involvement in the Board representing AIChE’s stakeholders.

Laura Matz

Laura Matz is the Chief Science and Technology Officer for Merck, KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, driving innovation and digitalization across the company’s life sciences, healthcare, and electronics sectors. Serving as an executive vice-president, she is responsible for the corporate innovation teams including the digital office and new digital business models. She is also CEO of Athinia, a company that enables data sharing within the semiconductor industry. She possesses 20 years of experience in semiconductor manufacturing and a decade of experience running semiconductor materials businesses. Laura is an advocate for science and engineering in young talent. She has collaborated with universities to build a strong pipeline of interns with a focus on building data analytics skills in the chemical engineering and technical workforce. Laura serves on the board of AIChE’s Institute for Learning and Innovation (ILI), which serves as a conduit for advancing chemical engineering talent. She has a PhD in analytical chemistry from Washington State Univ.


I am honored to be a candidate for the AIChE board, especially at this pivotal time in U.S. scientific evolution. I have a passion for being at the forefront of technology and embedding these skills in the workforce. As we look to the future, I believe that two trends will influence the roles a chemical engineer can play in all industries. First, there is a greater intersection of disciplines. The second trend is machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) as an enabler to scientific advancements. The chemical engineering community is well positioned to incorporate AI models to drive innovation. AIChE, as a global organization, is in the unique position to accelerate the prominence of chemical engineering and AI.

I have worked with AIChE as a board member of ILI to pilot a data analytics internship program. I have also collaborated with international organizations such as the Acceleration Consortium at Univ. of Toronto and the National Academy of Engineering, where I was a contributing author of the 2022 publication, The Future of Chemical Engineering. Traditionally, organizations have operated in silos, but the pace of change has leapt forward. AIChE is in a position to facilitate a connected network of collaborators, while also providing structural support for sustainability and effective digital transformation with inclusion of AI and ML. I believe each of these topics is critical for solving the future problems of global society, and would focus my board position on the following:

  • Advancing use of AI in chemical engineering
  • Developing talent through internships and recruitment
  • Driving AIChE to be a leader in solutions for sustainability and net zero carbon emissions
  • Driving greater engagement of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Todd Przybycien

Todd M. Przybycien began his career at Monsanto Agricultural Co. before joining the chemical engineering faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 1991 and launching a teaching and research program in biomanufacturing. He then spent 20 years on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon Univ. (CMU), also becoming founding head of the Biomedical Engineering Dept. He returned to RPI in 2018. He has collaborated with a range of large and small biotech companies with support from CESMII, FDA, the Gates Foundation, NIIMBL and NSF. Within AIChE, he chaired the Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Div. and served as the Area 15c (Bioengineering) program chair. He has served on the managing board of AIChE’s Society for Biological Engineering since 2010, and on CEP’s editorial board since 2014. He is a Life Member and Fellow of AIChE.


We face grand, and increasingly existential, challenges. Climate. Water. Food. Energy. Health. Equity and inclusion. Chemical engineers and allied scientists and technologists have the knowledge, tools and responsibility to drive the needed changes and innovations. The National Academies’ newly issued report “New Directions for Chemical Engineering” is organized around this message. AIChE has been addressing grand challenges via its entities including IfS, RAPID, ISWS, FEED, CEI, SBE, the AIChE Foundation, and others. AIChE should explicitly organize, advertise, and recruit around the central theme of grand challenges — to rally and provide opportunities for each of its members to work impactfully in one or more of these grand challenge areas, and to attract new members so that we can collectively move the needle. I want to help catalyze this transformation of AIChE. We are being called to act.

In 2023, AIChE should begin work on its next strategic plan, providing a timely opportunity for transformation around the grand challenges theme. The current plan identified six priorities — leadership, communities, content, diversity and inclusion, societal issues, and transformational technologies — designed to continue the trajectory of the prior decade, and provides a springboard for the proposed transformation. We need to transparently evaluate progress on the metrics for success of the current plan and prepare for the next. I am experienced in strategic planning, having led the collaborative development of three successive plans for CMU’s nascent Biomedical Engineering Dept., and co-led the faculty experience component of CMU’s university-wide Strategic Plan 2025. I enjoy generating and executing ideas with others.

I have benefitted both professionally and personally from my membership in AIChE since my student days, and would be honored to roll up my sleeves as a director. Please feel free to share your thoughts about AIChE, its role in developing solutions to grand challenges, and the realization of its strategic plan at przybt3@rpi.edu.

David Shonnard

David R. Shonnard is a professor in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering and the Richard and Bonnie Robbins Chair in Sustainable Use of Materials at Michigan Technological Univ. His teaching and research interests are at the intersection of chemical engineering and environmental sustainability. He has co-authored two textbooks: one on green engineering and another on sustainable engineering; developed and directs a multidisciplinary graduate certificate in engineering sustainability and resilience; and developed numerous educational modules to incorporate sustainability into core chemical engineering courses. His research focuses on reaction engineering for advanced biofuels, thermal conversion of waste plastics, environmental life cycle assessments of sustainable energy technologies, technoeconomic analyses, and systems analyses for plastics in a circular economy. Sponsors of his research include the National Science Foundation, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Energy, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as numerous chemical industry companies and foundations. His honors include the American Society for Engineering Education’s Raymond Fahien Award, the Research Award from AIChE’s Sustainable Engineering Forum, and the Michigan Tech Research Award. Leadership experiences include roles as Director of the Sustainable Futures Institute at Michigan Tech, Lead for Michigan Tech’s Presidential Initiative on Sustainability and Resilience, and Chair of AIChE’s Institute for Sustainability. He has cultivated a community of education and research collaborators in the EU, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina.


It is an honor to be nominated as a candidate to the Board of Directors at AIChE. I have benefited as a life-long member of AIChE and have served as treasurer/secretary for the Sustainable Engineering Forum and as chair of technical programming for Sustainable Biorefineries (Area 23B). At a time when the world is challenged with the needs of continuing economic development, improving human well-being and standards of living, and addressing climate change, I am eager to apply my experiences to aid AIChE in engaging with its members on these topics. As a member of the Board of Directors, I will be motivated to connect with AIChE communities and entities to advance sustainability within the profession. These entities include the Institute for Sustainability (IfS), the Institute for Learning and Innovation (ILI), the Center for Energy Initiatives (CEI), and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence (CIEE). I’ll work to establish channels of communication among these communities and further support their research, education, and other programs. I will take every opportunity to expand AIChE member education and career opportunities through programs that the Institute offers, and to further equity, diversity and inclusion. I welcome any questions, comments, and discussions at drshonna@mtu.edu.