Semi-Hermetic Scroll Vacuum Pump/Compressor | AIChE

Semi-Hermetic Scroll Vacuum Pump/Compressor

Originally developed to pump helium for a space-based cryo-cooler, this new semi-hermetic scroll features a patent-pending design that completely seals the pumping section of the unit, but allows cooling of both scrolls. Cool operation enables the unit to operate effectively at higher pressures and vacuums. As a compressor, the unit can develop up to 60 psig and has a displacement of 2 ft3/min. The vacuum model can develop up to 200 mtorr ultimate vacuum, with a displacement of 2 ft3/min. The unit runs at volumetric efficiencies greater than 80% and its wetted surfaces are constructed of stainless steel, nickel and hard anodized aluminum. Standard seals are PTFE composite, with other materials, such as polyimide, available to withstand specific gases.


Air Squared, Inc.


Semi-Hermetic Scroll Vacuum Pump/Compressor Delivers Over 80% Volumetric Efficiency


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