Prediction of the Thermal Runaway Limit and Optimal Operation of Heat Transfer-Limited, Fixed-Bed Reactor Systems | AIChE

Prediction of the Thermal Runaway Limit and Optimal Operation of Heat Transfer-Limited, Fixed-Bed Reactor Systems

TitlePrediction of the Thermal Runaway Limit and Optimal Operation of Heat Transfer-Limited, Fixed-Bed Reactor Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsEkici, C, Kipp, D, Ho, CR, Biegler, LT, Witt, PM
JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Date Publishedoct
Keywords9.4, BP5Q4, BP5Q5

We derive a new prediction for thermal runaway starting from the alpha model for fixed-bed reactor systems. This method accounts for thermal resistance internal to the reactor tube and the radial temperature gradients that result. To showcase our method, we compare its predictions to other common criteria for thermal runaway using o-xylene oxidation as the example chemistry. Even in systems where internal heat transfer is negligible, the empirical practical design criterion for thermal runaway is inaccurate. For cases where internal heat transfer is relevant, our runaway limit is more stringent than limits derived from simpler 1-D models. To augment our work, we optimize the product yield with the thermal runaway constraint using orthogonal collocation. Using the alpha model, the results illustrate that the thermal runaway limit can be accurately determined using either numerical or analytical methods.
