"Chromash": Adsorping Challenges, Desorping Sustainability | AIChE

"Chromash": Adsorping Challenges, Desorping Sustainability


Omar, M. - Presenter, University Of Khartoum
Osman, B., University Of Khartoum
Osama, A., University Of Khartoum
Awad, A. S., University Of Khartoum
"ChromAsh" is an invented powder product from treated petroleum coke bottom ash that has been scientifically proven to adsorb waste contaminants from tannery effluents with 99.99% effectiveness under variable process conditions. The process is non-complicated including only, filtration, adsorption and desorption columns. Extremely reduced fixed and operational cost when compared with current technologies. The Process offers opportunity to recycle 100% of tanning dye, tanning water and sure the adsorbent itself. In last September, the new technology is approved by Sudanese Standards Metro-logy Organization (SSMO).

"ChromAsh" is expected to be tomorrow's solution for continuous tannery discharges harming both humans and environment, specially when regarding the traditional tanning process which is the dominant in 78%of African and Asian countries."ChromAsh" with countless economic, environmental and health-protection advantages to both producers and consumers in the energy and tanning industries is searching for a sponsor for more scientific development and large-scale implementation.