Modification of the DIERS Fire Exposure Test Methodology | AIChE

Modification of the DIERS Fire Exposure Test Methodology


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 29, 2015


30 minutes

Skill Level




There is a need to be able to obtain proper runaway data for reactions where fire exposure is a credible scenario. Where the engineering design has been refined throughout the years, the testing methdology has mainly remained the same.  There have been developed new techniques for measuring thermal runaway which can be applied directly to the fire exposure case resulting in much more accurate data and subsequently better ERS designs as well as other engineering controls.  In the DIERS  literature database, through the work of the DIERS' Fire Exposure  Committee,  a detailed methodology for both the testing and ERS design for the Fire Exposure Case can be found (D30-160-1).   Although this original paper is an excellent summary and tutorial of the method, the treatment of thermal inertia and the proposed instrumentation method can be improved.  This paper we will build upon the initial work, focusing on the deviations and reasons behind the changes,  and describe a more robust testing approach to obtain proper fire exposure data.


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