Advantages and Limitations of Single-Use Systems in Downstream Processing | AIChE

Advantages and Limitations of Single-Use Systems in Downstream Processing


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 7, 2013


30 minutes

Skill Level




Biopharmaceutical downstream processes are generally dominated by chromatographic separations and membrane filtrations. Single-use systems can increase the efficiency and reduce the costs of these processes , but there are limitations. A common target for single use technology is the preparation , holding and distribution of the numerous buffer solutions required in downstream processing. Buffer preparation may become a capacity-limiting process (bottleneck) in certain high-capacity situations. This paper examines the use of macroscopic modeling techniques to evaluate buffer preparation for downstream processing.  A series of cases studies are based on downstream processing for a 2000 L mammalian cell-culture process. Single use buffers offered a number of advantages including  a 34% savings in capital costs , a 20% reduction in purified water usage , up to 20% reduction in unit and potential throughput advantages. The cost advantages decline with increased protein load on the process. Furthermore ,  this study explores facility floor-space limitations that become important when large numbers of disposable containers need to be managed.


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