Time-Accurate, Three-dimensional Simulation of Agitated Vessels | AIChE

Time-Accurate, Three-dimensional Simulation of Agitated Vessels


Thomas, J. A. - Presenter, M-Star Simulations

In many agitated tanks and fluid handling systems, yield and performance are governed by complex turbulent fluid mechanics. These turbulent motions, which can inform both bulk transport and reaction kinetics, occur over a large range of length and time-scales. From a modeling perspective, direct numerical simulation of this entire turbulence spectrum is required to obtain complete insights into systems performance. Due to time and resource constraints, however, such detailed simulations have not historically been practical within most industrial settings.

In this work, we show how graphical processing units (GPUs) can make direct numerical simulation (DNS) of industrial mixing systems practical and timely. Although GPUs have historically been used for image rendering, in recent years they have emerged and as powerful computational rivals to traditional CPUs. We will begin the presentation by introducing the concepts governing fluid modeling on GPUs. We then show how, given identical algorithms, a single scientific GPU can execute simulations two to three orders-of-magnitude faster than a single CPU. We then present various criteria for monitoring the convergence from large-eddy simulation (LES) to direct numerical simulation, within the context of the turbulent fluid motion. We then apply these criteria to study blending, energy dissipation, and reaction rates in a benchtop reactor.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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