(18b) Contractor's View: Ownership Is the Secret of Success | AIChE

(18b) Contractor's View: Ownership Is the Secret of Success


Madden, L. - Presenter, IMCO General Construction
IMCO General Construction has been contracted by Rio Tinto Legacy Management to Operate and Maintain the Holden Mine Remediation Site Waste Water Treatment Plant and implement a risk based safety program following Rio Tinto’s Health Safety and Environmental Corporate Standards. The remote wilderness site has unique hazards and risk including avalanches, wildfires and medical emergency response considerations. IMCO has established a core staff at this site with extensive experience in process safety management. Shop floor employees have a commitment to the implementation and continuous improvement of the 17-element risk based safety program. This paper presents the model currently used by Rio Tinto and IMCO to deliver a contract work force engaged in safe and successful operations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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