(124b) Revamp My Dmc? Why? | AIChE

(124b) Revamp My Dmc? Why?


Bray, R. - Presenter, Jacobs Engineering

Revamp my DMC/MPC?   Why?

 This presentation will document 24 years of direct experience in implementing DMC/MPC revamps in ethylene, refining, polymer and chemical plants.  Projects discussed have been revamped one, two or even three times before the final revamp.  The presentation will include discussion of the following topics.

1)      Motivation

  1. Typical returns
  2. Costs

2)     What to look for

  1. Inappropriate tuning techniques
  2. Strange model dynamics
  3. Too many MV limits/targets
  4. Sluggish Behavior and tuning
  5. Poor online time/ Operator complaints

3)     Typical issues, diagnosis, experiences

  1. Regulatory Control issues
  2. Process Changes
  3. Scope Issues
  4. Maintenance and support
  5. Operator acceptance

4)     Advancing techniques

  1. Model Development
  2. Strategy Improvements
  3. Inferred Properties
  4. Special Techniques
  5. Smart Steppers

5)     Ethylene Gas Crackers (or liquid crackers cracking gas)


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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