Shale Oil and Gas Q&A Session | AIChE

Shale Oil and Gas Q&A Session

This panel discussion on Oil Shale & Gas is sponsored by AIChE Fuels and Petrochemicals Division and the Environmental Division. The panel will consist of a cross disciplinary group of engineers, scientists and industry counsel who will discuss the latest technologies, policy developments and business implications arising in the shale oil and gas industry. The panel will highlight best practices in the shale oil and gas industry, shale gas utilization, monetization and conversion options, leading services and technologies, environmental challenges and legal developments. Each panelist will provide a short introduction regarding their expertise in shale oil and gas and then the panel will proceed to address audience questions. The panel discussion will be supported by an active moderator. The intent of the panel discussion is to exchange information and ideas as they relate to the Shale Oil & Gas industry. The panel members have no political affiliations and will not be making any moral judgments in regard to the development of Shale Oil & Gas; they will only be providing information based on their knowledge and experiences. Panelists include: Cal Cooper, Apache Corporation; Chris Shineldecker, Arcadis; Mary Ellen Ternes, McAfee & Taft; Cameron Remeljej, BHP Billiton.



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