Short Course S3: Treatment of Refinery and Chemical Plant Wastewaters (Ticketed event - Registration required) | AIChE

Short Course S3: Treatment of Refinery and Chemical Plant Wastewaters (Ticketed event - Registration required)


Cavarretta, J. S., American Academy of Environmental Engineers

Organized by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, this short course will cover relevant topics such as refinery and chemical plant wastewater treatment technologies.  The workshop will be oriented toward process engineering applications and functional operations of the specific unit treatment processes.  Physical/chemical treatment will include equalization, pH control, nutrient removal, solids removal, and oil removal technologies.  Biological treatment will include suspended growth, fixed film, and hybrid type processes for aerobic, anaerobic, and nutrient removal technologies.  Registration Fee: The cost to attend this short course is $299. Please be sure to register either online or by calling AIChE Customer Service at 800-242-4363 or 203-702-7660.




Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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