Ethylene Plant Technology - Energy Consumption and Optimization | AIChE

Ethylene Plant Technology - Energy Consumption and Optimization



Dunnells, G., E. I. DuPont de Nemours

Ethylene Plant Technology - Energy Consumption and Optimization of Olefins Plants. Recent upward trends in energy costs combined with focus on emissions of greenhouse gases has led both engineering design companies and operating companies to consider methods to optimize energy consumption of olefins units, including emphasis on the pyrolysis furnaces, compressor/turbine sets, fractionation trains, etc. In this session various aspects of energy consumption will be discussed as follows: Trends in plant energy consumption and design features which lead to reduced energy consumption; Benchmarking of olefins plant energy consumption by industry consultants; Daily monitoring of energy consumption and operational improvements in efficiency by operators; Methodology used to evaluate plant energy consumption and implement optimization projects, including case study(ies); Fouling, and its impact on energy



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