Intersection Between Thermal and Electrocatalysis | AIChE

Intersection Between Thermal and Electrocatalysis


Choksi, T., Nanyang Technological University


Shetty, M., University of Minnesota
Huelsey, M., National University of Singapore

Thermal and electrocatalysis have traditionally been regarded as separate disciplines. Mounting evidence suggests that this distinction might be overly simplistic and often misleading. Thermal catalysis for instance has been shown to be enhanced by electric fields and mechanistic similarities seem to exist for certain classes of thermal and electrocatalytic reactions. This symposium will stimulate discussions at the crossroad of thermal and electrocatalysis and lead to further interactions enhancing the field of catalysis as a whole. Topics include but are not limited to: 1) Application of electric fields to modify non-Faradaic catalysis 2) Spontaneous formation of electric fields during thermal catalysis 3) Mechanistic comparison of thermal and electrocatalysis 4) Comparison of design principles for thermal and electrocatalysts


4:06 PM


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