(128f) My Association with LS Fan: LB-DEM Study of Particle-Fluid Interaction Forces As an Example | AIChE

(128f) My Association with LS Fan: LB-DEM Study of Particle-Fluid Interaction Forces As an Example


Yu, A. - Presenter, Monash University
This talk will first briefly review my association with Professor LS Fan in the past 25 years or so, demonstrating how I knew him from a researcher to collaborator, mentor and finally a good friend. Then, using the LB-DEM study of particle-fluid interaction forces as an example to demonstrate how his research has led to a solution to a significant problem where the drag force has been determined from single- to multi-particles, from mono- to multis-sized particles, from spherical to non-spherical (ellipsoidal) particles, and from Newtonian to Non-Newtonian fluids.