SBE's James E. Bailey Award Lecture | AIChE

This award is sponsored by the Society for Biological Engineers.

In memory of Professor Jay Bailey for his many pioneering contributions to biotechnology, the award is presented to an individual who has had an important impact on bioengineering and whose achievements have advanced this profession in any of its aspects. 

The recipient should have a distinguished record of service to the profession. They should also be involved in the direct engagement of biology with engineering.

We are pleased to announce that James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology will deliver this year's lecture.

Synthetic Biology: Life Redesigned

Synthetic biology is bringing together engineers, physicists and biologists to model, design and construct biological circuits out of proteins, genes and other bits of DNA, and to use these circuits to rewire and reprogram organisms.  These re-engineered organisms are going to change our lives in the coming years, leading to cheaper drugs, rapid diagnostic tests, and synthetic probiotics to treat infections and a range of complex diseases.  In this talk, we highlight recent efforts to create synthetic gene networks and programmable cells, and discuss a variety of synthetic biology applications in biotechnology and biomedicine.

Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication

The Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication winner will also be recognized during the James E. Bailey Award session.

The Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication recognizes outstanding contributions to the literature in biomedical engineering, biological engineering, biotechnology, biochemical engineering and related fields. The award, which is presented annually at the AIChE Annual Meeting, celebrates excellence and foundational contributions to biotechnology and biological engineering through a body of work: a seminal paper, a review, a research report, or other material of significant interest and importance.

This year's recipient is Matthew P. DeLisa, William L. Lewis Endowed Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University.