(65a) Understanding Pressure Regulator Performance: A Discussion of Droop | AIChE

(65a) Understanding Pressure Regulator Performance: A Discussion of Droop

Effective pressure regulation is a key component of any well functioning fluid system. Understanding pressure regulator perfomance is the first step to specifying, operating and troubleshooting pressure regulation equipment. Droop, the effect on delivery pressure as system flow demand changes, is critical when considering the suitability of a pressure regulator for a specific service. All regulators will exhibit some droop, but choices can be made around different pressure regulator technologies (spring loading, dome loading, balanced poppets, external feedback etc.) which can modify the performance of a particular pressure regulator to better fit the needs of the application. This paper will discuss the mechanics of droop as well as several choices which can be made to alter droop to best fit a system.


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