(736b) Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership: Importance of Field Projects and Regional Mapping to Demonstrate Geologic Storage Potential | AIChE

(736b) Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership: Importance of Field Projects and Regional Mapping to Demonstrate Geologic Storage Potential

This presentation will provide information on the work being undertaken by the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) to test and demonstrate the commercial viability of carbon capture, utilization and storage in the Midwestern region of the United States. The MRCSP Michigan Basin Large-Scale Injection Project is part of a larger national carbon storage research program headed by the United States Department of Energy. Since injection operations began in February, 2013, MRCSP has successfully injected and monitored the net storage of more than 300,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide. The goal of the project is to inject one million metric tons of carbon dioxide into depleted oil and gas fields during a span of roughly four years. The sites and the data are being used to characterize the geology, model the structure and reservoir behavior, and monitor pressure and CO2 migration – all critical for proving commercial scale CO2 storage, containment, and capacity. Large-scale injection projects like the Michigan Basin test are needed to reduce the uncertainty with geological storage, demonstrate technical and economic feasibility, and increase public acceptability. A variety of approaches are being implemented to collect and analyze data on monitoring, injectivity, capacity and safety.

In addition to the large-scale test, MRCSP research team is also evaluating carbon dioxide storage potential in the Appalachian Basin and other areas of the Midwest through regional mapping and exploratory site characterization in collaboration with the oil and gas industry. One important outcome is the identification of ‘fairways’ within the area where porosity and permeability appear to have been preserved in the carbonates of the Lower Ordovician-Upper Cambrian section.  This presentation will provide an overview of the key findings of the MRCSP program and how this information may be applied to future commercial storage sites.

MRCSP is supported by U.S. Department of Energy-National Energy Technology Laboratory Agreement No. DE-FC26-0NT42589 with co-funding provided by the Ohio Development Services Agency (for regional research in Ohio), Core Energy, LLC, and several other partners.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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