(517c) Squeeze Flow Rheometry | AIChE

(517c) Squeeze Flow Rheometry


Kalyon, D. - Presenter, Stevens Institute of Technology
Gevgilili, H., Stevens Institute of Technology
Tang, H., City University of New York

Squeeze flow rheometry

The accurate determination of the parameters of wall slip and the shear viscosity material function of energetic suspensions is a must for realistic simulation of their processing, especially when continuous processing methodologies are utilized. However, due to the difficulty of handling energetic materials at various relevant shear rate ranges novel methodologies are necessary for the characterization of parameters of slip and shear viscosity. The squeeze flow rheometry offers significant advantages in the characterization of rheological behavior of highly filled suspensions including energetic materials (1-4). Here a review of the inverse problem solution methodologies involving squeeze flow will be made. The advantages of the utilization of  squeeze flow in combination with other viscometric flows including rectangular slit, steady torsional and capillary flows to enable the determination of parameters of wall slip and shear viscosity for energetic suspensions will be outlined. Various types of squeeze flow rheometers that can be field implemented will also be described.

  1. D. M. Kalyon and H. Tang, “Inverse problem solution of squeeze flow for parameters of generalized Newtonian fluid and wall slip”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 143, 133-140 (2007).
  2. D. Kalyon, H. Tang and B. Karuv, “Squeeze flow rheometry for rheological characterization of energetic formulations”, Journal of Energetic Materials, 24, 195-202 (2006).
  3. H. Tang and D. Kalyon, “Estimation of the Parameters of Herschel-Bulkley Fluid under Wall Slip Using a Combination of Capillary and Squeeze Flow Viscometers”, Rheologica Acta, 43, 1 80-88 (2004).
  4. A. Lawal and D. M. Kalyon, “Compressive Squeeze Flow of Viscoplastic Fluids with Apparent Wall Slip”, International Polymer Processing, 15, 1, 63-71 (2000).
See more of this Session: Processing and Safety of Energetic Materials

See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum