Nanoscale Electrokinetics | AIChE

Nanoscale Electrokinetics


Khair, A. S., Carnegie Mellon University


Vlahovska, P. M., Brown University

This session will focus on fundamentals and applications of nanoscale electrokinetic phenomena. This regime is often associated with geometrical (or device) dimensions comparable to the Debye length, leading to anomalous electrokinetic behavior not seen in larger-scale systems. In particular, this session welcomes experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations of electrokinetic effects in nanochannels, nanopores, and nanoslots. Topics of interest include: concentration polarization; current rectification (e.g. "nanofluidic diodes"); over-limiting current and second-kind electro-osmosis; biomolecule transport across nanochannels; preconcentration, separation, sensing, and desalination in nanodevices; energy conversion via streaming currents; and theoretical extensions to the classic (Poisson-Nernst-Planck) description of electrokinetics relevant to highly concentrated nanoscale systems. While the areas listed above are indicative of the flavor of the session, all topics on nanoscale electrokinetics are welcome.



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