(364d) Integrated Analyses of Carbon Emissions, Water Use and Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions for Electricity Generation in Texas | AIChE

(364d) Integrated Analyses of Carbon Emissions, Water Use and Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions for Electricity Generation in Texas


Allen, D. - Presenter, The University of Texas at Austin
Webber, M. - Presenter, University of Texas at Austin

In managing critical infrastructures such as the electric power system, a major challenge is to simultaneously manage the impacts of the system on several different issue areas that are conventionally considered independently. For example, the operation of electric power generation facilities affects climate (through carbon dioxide emissions), regional air quality (through emissions of criteria pollutants), and water (through thermal cooling). Shifting generation between plants to reduce one impact may worsen one of the others. In this work, we present results from an integrated model of the electric power system, air quality, and watershed for the state of Texas. We will demonstrate tradeoffs that exist within the current system, and identify flexible strategies that may be more robust.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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