(491e) Consistency of Experimental Data IN Chemical-Technological Systems for Balance Calculation | AIChE

(491e) Consistency of Experimental Data IN Chemical-Technological Systems for Balance Calculation


Kuzichkin, N. V. - Presenter, Institute of Chem.Tecnology
Erohin, V. I. - Presenter, Institute of Chem.Tecnology
Lisitsyn, N. V. - Presenter, Institute of Chem.Tecnology

This study deals with the issue of consistency of data measured on different data flows and containing possible inaccuracies of measurement, as well as efficiency indicators.

The assessment of measurement errors was based on balance equations errors.

The balance equation was calculated from the measurements and data system control.

The technological losses and efficiency indicators (selectivity, productivity, operating costs, etc.) were taken into consideration. Before the sequence of data points, a data accuracy analysis was carried out, as well as a system topology.

This methodology was carried out on the ERP of an oil refinery.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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