(127e) Reception to AIChE Area 8e Special Symposium | AIChE

(127e) Reception to AIChE Area 8e Special Symposium

Area 8e will present a one-day invited symposium that highlights the advances in understanding plasma-surface interactions and thin film processing, to honor the many contributions by Professor Herbert Sawin in plasma science, as he retires from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This invited symposium, entitled ?Topics In Plasma Science and Thin Film Applications - In Honor of Herbert H. Sawin? will feature industrial and academic leaders around the world, amongst them many of Herb Sawin's former students. They are Eray Aydil (U. Minnesota), Demetre Economou (U. Houston), David Graves (UC Berkeley), Dimitrios Maroudas (U. Massachusetts), Michael Mocella (Du Pont), Jane Chang (UCLA), Brett Cruden (NASA Ames Research), Evangelos Gogolides (IMEL, Greece), Scott Lawing (Rohm and Haas), Arpan Mahorowala (IBM ), Anthony Muscat (U. Arizona), Steve Vitale (MIT Lincoln Lab) and Colin Wolden (Colorado School of Mines).

The reception will start at 2:45pm, in between the two technical sessions in the afternoon.