(286f) The Development of Energy Sharing in Industrial Areas of Japan with Pinch Technology | AIChE

(286f) The Development of Energy Sharing in Industrial Areas of Japan with Pinch Technology


Matsuda, K. - Presenter, Chiyoda Corporation

In recent years, it is a common understanding in Japan that there is little room for further energy reduction in the major industrial sites such as oil refining and petrochemicals. We, Chiyoda, thought that there should be a new possibility for further energy reduction if we combine some sites so that the waste heat of one site may be still useful for another site. We started the first study applying ?area-wide pinch technology analysis? supported by NEDO, an affiliated organization of Japan's government, and have found a large number of energy saving potential by the energy sharing between sites. We report the energy saving potential and the energy sharing project between two sites generated by Pinch Technology.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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