Advances in Proteomic Analysis: Electrophoresis-based Approaches (Part 1) | AIChE

Advances in Proteomic Analysis: Electrophoresis-based Approaches (Part 1)


Wang, F., Procter and Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Grant, R., Procter & Gamble Company

Systematic studies of gene expression patterns play a vital role in understanding the complex interactions associated with the global response of cells, tissues, and organisms to stimuli or mutations. While recent developments have allowed these patterns to be investigated at an unprecedented level of detail, further advances are needed in order to fully illuminate the interplay among the many factors governing cellular response. Specifically, new technologies are needed with the capability of providing quantitative information with greatly enhanced levels of sensitivity and throughput. This session will focus on the development of novel techniques to address these limitations, including ultra-sensitive protein detection, high-throughput antibody creation and optimization, the development of protein-detecting microarrays, and other related technologies.



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