(80b) Reactives, Explosives and Other Hazardous Materials: Avoiding the Big Bang | AIChE

(80b) Reactives, Explosives and Other Hazardous Materials: Avoiding the Big Bang


Bognar Phillips, L. - Presenter, University of Notre Dame

Hazardous materials including reactives are common place in research facilities. Many are used by current laboratory personnel, while some have been left by previous occupants. Improper handling or staorage of hazardous materials can result in costly disposal, damaged equipment, injury or even death. It is prudent practive to identify what chemicals are being used/stored, where they are being stored and how long they have been stored. It is also important that laboratory personnel are educated regarding the nature and potential hazards of all chemicals that they work with including proper handling and disposal procedures. It is equally important to be awqare of the insidious hazards lurking in the forgotten or abandoned bottles in the back of the laboratory cupboards or shelving. This presentation will provide information to assist in identifying and classifying hazardous materials, provide resource information regarding insidious hazards with certain chemicals and some safe handling and proper disposal procedures.


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