Responding to Government Inquires | AIChE

Responding to Government Inquires

Tuesday, November 16, 2021,
5:00pm to 8:00pm
In-Person / Local
4359 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO
United States


            5:00-6:00 Happy hour and registration for dinner

            6:00-6:45 Dinner

            7:00-8:30 Technical Presentation



  • Italian House Salad
  • Parmesan Encrusted Chicken, Braised Beef Brisket
  • Gorgonzola Whipped Potatoes, Tuscan Roasted Vegetables

Cost: Local Section Members: $20.00; non-Members: $30.00; Students: $15.00  Meal cost being subsidized, in part, by Fox Smith LLC

RSVP to Emily Ahlemeyer 


Responding to Government Inquires

 No matter what type of engineering you practice, sooner or later you the government will come knocking. Learning how to effectively respond to these inquiries will limit the disruption to your work, and limit the potential liability to you and your business. This presentation will provide a rubric for how to respond to government inquiries, and helpful tips to avoid missteps when a governmental agency comes knocking.


Sarah Mangelsdorf is a partner at Fox Smith LLC, who has significant experience with dealing with state regulators and environmental law.  Before coming to Fox Smith, Sarah was an assistant attorney General and legal counsel to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and has significant experience counseling regulators and the regulated community.