Jackeline Medina | AIChE

Jackeline Medina


Jackeline Medina has a Bachelor in Chemical Engineer from Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela). She developed a career as process engineer at the research and development center of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Venezuela for 17 years where she supported and led the implementation of first of the kind technologies in the area of etherification and naphtha and diesel desulfurization.   Since 2006, she has taken multiples leading roles developing high octane component technologies.  Currently she is the technology manager at Lummus Technology, Refining and Gasification Division ( A McDermott  Technology Company) for all  Alkylation processes licensee by Lummus Technology ( CDAlky TM)and Solid Acid Alkylation (AlkyClean®) technologies.