Ed has been with the REMADE Institute since December 2017. Prior to joining REMADE, Ed was with Argonne National Laboratory for 32 years. During his career at Argonne, his research focused on the development of sustainable manufacturing processes, in collaboration with the iron and steel, aluminum, chemicals, automotive and recycling industries. His last assignment at Argonne was as the Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for the Energy and Global Security Directorate. The research activities of the directorate included nuclear engineering, decision and information sciences, national security, transportation technology, industrial process engineering research and renewable energy. Prior to that assignment, he served as the Division Director for the Energy Systems Division, growing the Division to one of the largest at Argonne. During his career at Argonne, Ed established one of the first collaborative research and development agreements (CRADA) at Argonne and within the national laboratory complex. He subsequently led a number of other CRADA’s including a 10-year $20 million CRADA on automotive materials recycling with the Vehicle Recycling Partnership (Ford, GM and Chrysler) and the American Plastics Council.
He holds 14 patents and has authored more than 125 papers on energy and sustainable technology. His work has been recognized through numerous awards including the University of Chicago Distinguished Performance Award and the Intellectual Law Property Association of Chicago Inventor of the Year Award.