Professor Ir. Dr. Dominic Foo is a Professor of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, and is the Founding Director for the Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council, a Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM), as well as the Vice President for the Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE).
He is a world leading researcher in process integration for resource conservation. He establishes international collaboration with researchers from various countries in the Asia, Europe, American and Africa. Professor Foo is an active author, with five books, more than 140 journal papers and made more than 190 conference presentations, with more than 30 keynote/plenary speeches. He served as International Scientific Committees for many important international conferences (CHISA/PRES, FOCAPD, ESCAPE, PSE, etc.). Professor Foo is the Editor-in-Chief for Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (Springer Nature), Subject Editor for Trans IChemE Part B (Process Safety & Environmental Protection, Elsevier), and editorial board members for several other renown journals.
He is the winners of the Innovator of the Year Award 2009 of IChemE, Young Engineer Award 2010 of IEM, Outstanding Young Malaysian Award 2012 of Junior Chamber International (JCI), as well as the SCEJ (Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan) Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer 2013, Vice-Chancellor’s Achievement Award 2014 (University of Nottingham) and Top Research Scientist Malaysia 2016 (Academy of Science Malaysia).