Benoit Gabrielle | AIChE

Benoit Gabrielle

Professor in Environmental Biophysics
EcoSys Joint Research Unit, AgroParisTech

Benoît GABRIELLE: currently research professor of environmental biophysics at the Paris Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences (AgroParisTech), he joined the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) after a Ph.D. on the environmental balance of oilseed rape in the context of biodiesel production. He is affiliated with a research unit focusing on the functional ecology of agro-ecosystems, located in the Paris area.

His research interests include the biophysical modelling of agro-ecosystems, the environmental assessment of arable and energy crops, and the sustainability analysis of bioenergy chains and urban agriculture systems through life-cycle approaches. He is currently coordinating a flagship programme on land-based climate mitigation measures, as part of the CLAND Convergence Institute in France. He is also the Director of the Biosphera Graduate School of life, agricultural and environmental sciences of the newly launched Paris-Saclay University, the top French university in science and technology. 

Benoît GABRIELLE was a lead-author on the Bioenergy chapter of the special report on Renewable energy of IPCC (2011), and contributed to the upcoming Mediterranean area Assessment Report of IPCC AR6.