Benjamin WIncure | AIChE

Benjamin WIncure

Technical Sales Engineer

Dr. Wincure has dedicated his career to understanding, developing, and explaining process modeling and software tools for chemical engineering. Prior to joining ProSim, Inc. as a Technical Sales Engineer, he worked in software development for five years during the “internet boom” in Toronto, Canada, and then for five years at Heat Transfer Research Inc (HTRI) in Texas. He has both a PhD and Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from McGill University, where he also completed two separate Bachelor’s degrees: one in Chemical Engineering, and the other in Biology. As an Associate Professor, his experience includes teaching the Process Modeling course for undergraduate chemical engineering students at McGill University. His past research experience has included the mathematical modeling of biofermentations and nano-scale biosensors, with laboratory experience in nicotine reward pathways in rats, biofermentations (self-cycling fermentation), plastics (Dow intern), and protein separation techniques for cancer research (Stanford University).