Babak Rafienia is a chemical engineer with specialties in separation and fractionation technologies. He is currently a senior engineer in the engineering group at AMACS Process Tower Internals. His focus is currently on product and technology development, training junior engineers, troubleshooting, revamping, and retrofitting separation and distillation projects globally. Mr. Rafienia, holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering and has held various technical and commercial roles in in the oil & gas market. He has published several technical articles and journal papers in his field of expertise.
He is actively involved in AIChE and is a Senior Member of AIChE. Mr. Rafienia is extensively familiar and involved in AIChE community helping and leading several groups and assisting various divisions. Babak holds key roles in different divisions including AIChE National Management Division (MGMT) and Texas Local Section (AIChE STS) and has been actively involved in several events helping to organize sessions, improve the divisions and share his knowledge.