Student AIChE/CACHE National Mobile Device APP Competition (2016) | AIChE

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Student AIChE/CACHE National Mobile Device APP Competition (2016)

Student teams will create an APP for a mobile device.  This APP must be deemed to be useful for an AIChE member.  Possible application areas include scientific, engineering, teaching and professional meeting organizers.  For example, teaching apps could include a game designed to teach chemical engineering concepts.  The APP must be able to run on a mobile device such as a smartphone (iPhone, Android, Blackberry etc.)  The App can either run native on the operating system or operate through a browser-side technology (HTML, CSS or Javascript) but have a mobile appearance.

Student teams can consist of any discipline, but the team must have at least one student belong to AIChE.  Student teams can have a mix of undergraduate and graduate student members.

Intellectual Property of the APP remains with the students who developed the APP. 

The objective of this competition is:

  • To give students practice at developing their creative skills.
  • To enhance and promote student’s interest in new mobile device APPs for use in professional activities.
  • To provide chemical engineering students with the opportunity to participate in a multidisciplinary team-oriented software design competition.
  • To encourage students to become actively involved in their professional society.
  • To show the connection between chemical engineering and society needs.
  • To create useful mobile applications for the chemical engineering community

Suggested features of a winning APP for AIChE members

  • APP enhances student or professional performance/quality of life.
  • APP is built using high quality content of ChE/Chemistry/Engineering
  • APP functions with few to no errors
  • APP should be more than just a handbook
  • APP may be a game to promote chemical engineering to society


See Interview with 2013 Winner & Demo of App

Go to ChEnected


The competition at the AIChE annual meeting will consist of a poster competition where finalists will be selected to give a short presentation to a general audience. 

There will be two prizes, with monetary awards given to the student team’s AIChE chapter: 

1) $500 from CACHE for the first place winner of the best mobile device APP

2) $500 from a corporate sponsor for the best mobile device APP that has a major focus on aspects of safety.

Previous Years Award Winners

  • Mariah Soyring, Luke Howard, Rowan University, "Best Mobile device APP with focus of safety"

  • Jose Figueroa and Shilpan Sheth, University of California Riverside, "Best Mobile Device App"

  • Zachary Nwabudike, University of California, Riverside, 2013
  • Andrew W. Woolley, Thaddeus T. Tuck, and Michael R. Whitehead, Kansas State Univeristy, 2014
DeadlineNovember 14, 2016
PresentationThe competition at the AIChE annual meeting will consist of a poster competition where finalists will be selected to give a short presentation to a general audience at the conference in San Francisco, CA on November 14, 2016.
Nomination Instructions


Intent to submit starting 31 January 2016

Send an email to stating that you have formed a student team that is participating in this competition.  (Only one email per team required).  Submission on this date will insure timely emails to assist you with your App development.

Preliminary APP Description Submission 31 March 2016

 This submission should be in the form of an email to  In this email please include the following: 

  1. Paragraph describing the APP,
  2. Listing of students working on the APP,
  3. Mobile device and operating system,
  4. University represented by students. 

This information is only preliminary and will be used for planning purposes.  Since this information is preliminary, changes in all the above information will be allowed at this point in the competition.

Final APP and Technical Documentation Submission 10/31/2016.

Technical documentation will consist of a word document or pdf and App code files.  Documentation must have the following:

1.Listing of undergraduate and graduate students working on the APP, University or Universities represented by students

2. Mobile device and operating system if running native on the mobile device,

3. Details describing the APP similar to that found on itunes or android or amazon etc.  This section should contain a description of the APP with screen shots.

4. Sources of technical information and physical properties.  This section should include any equations that were used.

5. Sources of software components that were used in APP

6. Flow chart illustrating how the APP works

7. Sufficient worked-out examples to verifying the utility of the APP

8. Description of broad impacts of chemical engineering on society

Poster Competition 11/14/2016 San Francisco, CA

Judging of the overall competition will be based on:

  • Creativity and uniqueness (15%)
  • Usefulness of the APP (20%)
  • Ease of use of the APP(15%)
  • Professional and/or Societal Impact (20%)
  • Poster Presentation which includes demonstration of APP on a mobile device at AIChE Annual Meeting (30%)

At this session a poster board must be displayed along with the APP working on a mobile device.  This poster should outline the unique features of the APP and the programs structure.  Please note that between 10/31/16 and the AIChE National Meeting the student team is allowed to further develop the software to improve its performance on the mobile device.

Complete Rules Download  and Questions

Before submitting an application or making inquiries, make sure you read the complete document on this competition, covering its objectives, rules, judging criteria, and how the app and poster will be demonstrated at the conference.

Student AIChE-CACHE APP Competition 2015-2016 Complete Rules

AIChE/CACHE APP competition Committee:

Jason Bara, Cory Jensen, Nemoy Rau, Scott Fogler, Robert Hesketh

Questions about this competition can be directed to:


Robert P. Hesketh

Professor and Chair

Chemical Engineering

Rowan University

201 Mullica Hill Rd.

Glassboro, NJ  08028-1701

Phone:  (856) 256-5313