Modeling of Underground Hydrogen Pipelines | AIChE

Modeling of Underground Hydrogen Pipelines


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 4, 2012


30 minutes

Skill Level




Hydrogen is a critical component in the production of cleaner fuels.  Underground pipelines provide a safe, reliable supply of hydrogen to refineries and the petroleum industry.  Proper assessment of the risks associated with underground hydrogen pipelines requires an accurate model of the jet fire consequence.   This paper will describe experimental and modeling work undertaken in order to define the appropriate methodology for utilizing the DNV's PHAST software tool to represent the hydrogen jet fire. 

Two experiments were conducted to measure the flow and radiation from an intentionally ignited rupture of a 6 inch diameter, 60 barg hydrogen pipeline buried 1 meter underground.  Adjustments to PHAST modeling parameters were required in order to obtain agreement between the measured and predicted radiation and flame length values. The modeling assumptions and parameter adjustments required include velocity modification to account for interaction of the flow out of the two ends of the ruptured pipe and the subsequent discharge from the crater, specification of the fraction of heat radiated and specification of the angle of the release.


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