(232a) Cellular Hitchhiking for Targeting Nanoparticles | AIChE

(232a) Cellular Hitchhiking for Targeting Nanoparticles


Mitragotri, S. - Presenter, Harvard University
Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems are widely explored to improve the biological outcome of chemo and immunotherapy. However, poor vascular circulation, limited targeting, and the inability to negotiate many biological barriers are key hurdles in their clinical translation. Biology has provided many examples of successful “carriers” in the form of circulatory cells, which routinely overcome the hurdles faced by synthetic nanoparticle systems. Our laboratory has explored blood-cell inspired drug delivery systems that take advantage of the abilities of red blood cells and macrophages. We have explored “cellular hitchhiking” which involves combining synthetic particles with circulatory cells to drastically alter the in vivo fate of the synthetic particles. I will provide an overview of the principles and two examples of hitchhiking-based nanoparticle delivery.