AIChE Journal Highlight: Tribute to Founders: Roger Sargent | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Tribute to Founders: Roger Sargent

Journal Highlight

Widely recognized as the intellectual leader, father, and pioneer of process systems engineering, Roger Sargent has played a role in shaping the chemical engineering discipline. A tribute to Sargent in the September issue of the AIChE Journal explores the impacts he has had on the profession.

“He has helped to expand the scope of chemical engineering by providing a strong systems component to it, and by establishing strong multidisciplinary links with fields such as numerical analysis, mathematical programming, control theory, and operations research,” say Ignacio Grossman of Carnegie Mellon Univ., Michael Doherty of the Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, and Michael Harold of the Univ. of Houston, in the tribute’s introductory retrospective article. “One of his major contributions has been to provide a strong mathematical foundation to the area of process systems engineering.”

Sargent outlined his vision for process systems engineering in the inspiring and pioneering article, “Integrated Design and Optimization of Processes,” which appeared in the Sept. 1967 issue of CEP. In the article, he pointed out the need for the development of sophisticated mathematical and computational tools for the simulation, design,...

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