(368g) Application of Predictive Thermodynamic Models for Industrially Important Systems | AIChE

(368g) Application of Predictive Thermodynamic Models for Industrially Important Systems


Zhu, Y. - Presenter, SABIC Americas
Physical Properties play very important roles in process engineering systems. Under many circumstances, for example, in plant trouble-shooting as well as in screening conceptual design processes, much needed physical property data are not readily available. A reliable predictive model with good confidence can be critical in optimizing plant operations or in deciding which critical path to take for a new product or a new process development.

This work discusses the impact of thermodynamic models on process engineering and economic performance of industrially important systems using PSRK series of predictive models and their innovative extensions. The models have been used to simulate the phase behavior of high pressure and highly non-ideal solution systems in integrated petrochemical processes.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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