(423g) The Use of the Modified Spline Method to Optimize Photochemical Reactors | AIChE

(423g) The Use of the Modified Spline Method to Optimize Photochemical Reactors


Gabardo, H. - Presenter, UNICAMP - State University of Campinas

The advanced oxidative processes (AOP) are among the main technologies used to effluent treatment. The technology is suitable especially for effluents with a high toxicity level, where biological processes cannot be applied. The aim of this work is to present a technology to optimize photochemical reactors. The procedure is based on determining an empirical reaction rate. There is however a difficulty in treating the data, since the experimental data needs both a derivation and an integration step, so it is necessary to look for data fitting methods able to adequately represent the experimental data behavior. It has been observed that polynomials are inadequate and the Modified Spline Method has been tested to treat the data. Results show that this data fitting method is adequate and represents correctly the physical phenomena. The fitting procedure was adequate for all studied cases.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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