Time Management and Work-Life Balance in ChemE Careers | AIChE

Time Management and Work-Life Balance in ChemE Careers


Jappen, O. P., Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH

No matter what ChemE career path you take after graduation, your schedule will be busy. One trick to a happy and successful ChemE career is to work smarter, not harder. Join the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) for a discussion on time management and work-life balance in ChemE careers. This session will feature YPC members in various careers (academia, industry, government, etc.) discussing tips and tricks for living an organized, happy lifestyle as a ChemE. YPC members will discuss tips for managing time during the workday (including prioritizing tasks, learning to say “no”, and getting an early start) and creating a healthy work-life balance (including getting enough sleep, practicing healthy eating and exercise, and engaging in hobbies outside of your career). This session will also cover resources to use for more tips on time management, including resources available through AIChE membership.



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