Biotechnical Solutions for Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus | AIChE

Biotechnical Solutions for Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus


Hu, B., University of Minnesota

With the growing global population, there is an increasing demand for food, energy and water. These are often interconnected, and typically studied as the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus. This creates a unique challenge to our agricultural industry and forest resources. It is also a great opportunity for bioprocess engineers to provide technical solutions to issues related to the FEW Nexus. This session accepts bio-technical solutions, including bioprocessing of food and feed, biofertilizer, soil bioremediation, biological waste management and water treatment, etc., to critical FEW systems problems. This session will focus on a technical solution and on bioprocess development that will benefit FEW systems.



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