John Vasko

John Vasko

John Vasko is responsible for AIChE's online community and content. John works with constituents to create compelling content that serves members and visitors to,, and numerous other sites. He specializes in creating content strategies, digital product development, and social media campaigns. He has more than 20 years' experience working and consulting with companies to develop and improve their digital media brands.

ChEnected contributions

Coki Stroj Sweeps 2011 Chem-E-Car Competition

. by John Vasko

AIChE 2011 President Maria Burka and 2012 President Elect Phillip Westmoreland talk about the history of the Chem-E-Car Competition, the importance of safety, and then announce the 2011 winner, The University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Watch this year's video in the panel to the right.

5/5   in the series 2011 Chem-E-Car Nationals

2011 Chem-E-Car Results Are In! [Slideshow]

. by John Vasko

Months of hard work all came down to two short runs this afternoon for competitors and their Chem-E-Cars. The University of Puerto Rico's team took home the top prize for the winning car this year. Check out the slideshow below, and also see other prizes and stats for all competitors' cars.

2011 AIChE Student Awards Ceremony [On Location]

. by John Vasko

It's time to acknowledge notable achievements of chemical engineering students during 2010. There are a variety of accolades presented at this ceremony including awards, scholarships, and competition winners. They include:

2011 Student Conference Welcome Ceremony [on location]

. by John Vasko

At 10am this morning more than 1,100 chemical engineering students were greeted by AIChE President Maria Burka, Student Chapters Committee Chair Chris Williams, ESC Chair David Monteiro, and Chem-E-Car Committee Member Skip Rochefort to kick off the 2011 Student Conference Welcome Ceremony in Minneapolis.

Meet the 2011 AIChE Annual and Student Conference Bloggers

. by John Vasko

We're thrilled to have a number of volunteer bloggers to help us cover the two conferences and their associated special events. We will be featuring their updates on ChEnected's home page. Our group of meeting bloggers are veterans of the ChEnected Community and have blogged pretty much since we started the site.

Google Celebrates First Biochemist to Isolate Vitamin C

. by John Vasko

Have you noticed how Google decorated their logo today? Google's citrus-themed logo sports two oranges, some other citrus fruits, and a harvest-friendly font. Why? Today is the 118th birthday of the Nobel-prize-winning biochemist Albert von Szent-Györgyi de Nagyrápolt.

Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian-born biochemist and the first to isolate vitamin C and his research on biological oxidation formed the foundation for Krebs' citric acid cycle.

Old Technology Making New Music

. by John Vasko

As part of the release of their penultimate album In Rainbows, the Radiohead held a contest for people to remix the single "Nude." James Houston took a bunch of old hardware and created a bit of magic with it in a remix where technology and art come together.

ChEnected's Guide to Upcoming ChemE, Bio, and Energy Events

. by John Vasko

With so many events happening in chemical engineering, biological engineering, energy, and sustainability, we decided to put together a quick guide to events from now through the end of 2011. Get your online calendars ready to record the early-bird deadlines and calls for papers.
