Institute News: April 2023 | AIChE

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Institute News: April 2023

Institute News

AIChE Announces Election Candidates for 2024 Board of Directors Petition Candidate Filings Due May 15

AIChE’s Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, treasurer, and four director positions for the 2024 AIChE Board. In July, CEP will publish platforms that describe the candidates’ qualifications. The president-elect will be elected to a three-year term, serving one year each as president-elect, president, and past president. The treasurer and directors are elected for three-year terms. Voting by paper and electronic proxy ballot will begin on Sept. 11 and end on Oct. 16. Visit for more information.

For President-Elect

Rakesh Agrawal, Purdue Univ.

Joseph D. Smith, Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology

For Treasurer

Ana P. Davis, Syngenta

Lori T. McDowell, Matheson

For Director (four to be elected)

Martin A. Abraham, SUNY Brockport

Georges Belfort, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Concetta La Marca, Chemours Co.

Dave Parrillo, Dow Chemical

Sindee L. Simon, North Carolina State Univ.

Mary Ellen Ternes, Earth and Water Law, LLC

Jean W. Tom, Bristol Myers Squibb

Jessica O. Winter, The Ohio State Univ.

Petition Candidates

Members interested in running — or nominating another member — for the AIChE Board of Directors can do so as a petition candidate. Any Fellow, senior member, or four-year member of the...

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