Books: January 2020 | AIChE

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Books: January 2020

Chemical Reactor Design: Mathematical Modeling and Applications

Juan A. Conesa, Wiley-VCH, Hoboken, NJ, $152.99, 352 pages, Oct. 2019, ISBN: 978-3-527-82338-3


This book provides up-to-date insights into important developments in the field of chemical, catalytic, and biochemical reactor engineering. The author, a noted reactor design expert, details the myriad aspects of design, including numerical methods for solving engineering problems. The book explores the use of transfer functions to study residence time distributions, convolution and deconvolution curves for reactor characterization, forced-unsteady-state operation, scaleup, industrial catalysis, and design of multiphasic reactors, biochemical reactors, and multiphase gas-liquid-solid reactors...

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